Dr. Antonio Webb

Spine Surgeon - Author - Keynote Speaker

Dr. Antonio Webb is a board certified and fellowship trained Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Author, and Keynote Speaker located in San Antonio, Texas. He has also been called the #1 spine surgeon on social media in the world.

His social media journey started during his intern year of residency in 2014. He started filming and releasing video content after realizing there was a lack of presence of orthopedic and spine surgeons online, specifically on YouTube. He also realized that there was a niche that hadn’t been met which coincidentally coincided with his love for cinematography and film. Dr. Webb further explored these interests and hired a film instructor during fellowship who worked with him 1:1 on editing, videography, and film. He commonly contributes his social media success to being consistent and constantly connecting with his viewers.

Due to his social media presence, Dr. Webb has been invited to speak at national conferences and meetings on various topics relating to social media. In addition, he is an published author in regards to social media, most recently in the Global Spine Journal: Spine Surgeons Social Dilemma: Benefits and Risks of Social Media for Spine Surgery Practice in the 21st Century. He has been a guest on numerous talk shows and featured on several news stations and media outlets including: The Christian broadcast network (CBN News), Men’s Health magazine, FOX news, KSAT news, and KSLA news. In 2016, Dr. Webb was named one of Black Enterprise’s 100 modern men and was quoted as, “A great role model for the next generation” by Dr. David Pryor-Medical Director of NBC Universal.

In 2023, he was asked by Dr. Mike to be a part of his expert physician YouTube series where he speaks on various health topics directed at his 11 million followers.

Currently, Dr. Webb has over 415,000 YouTube subscribers and has generated close to 100 million views online throughout his various platforms. He attributes the success of his clinical practice to his online social media presence and commonly has patients travel from across the US to see him in office.

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Dr. Clarence Lee

Physician - Speaker - Educator

Dr. Clarence Lee is a licensed physician, speaker, educator and a proven entrepreneur. He founded Exhort Health, a full service clinic that provides superior, innovative care while reducing the cost and headache for its clients. In addition to serving his community, he is also passionate about sharing his story and encouraging young professionals, especially physicians, to think outside of the box, create multiple streams of income and create a lifestyle of freedom and purpose.

Over the last few years, he has written several books, opened a clinic and speaks regularly to physicians and young professionals around the United States.

Whether he is sharing with a seasoned professional or young aspiring physicians, his message is the same. “I want to breathe power into dreams and to give people the persistence required to reach their goals.” The first step of this process is helping people to understand what their ultimate path to success looks like. By helping his students to find the perfect intersection of their passion and expertise, he sets them on the path to creating systems that allow them to trade their expertise for value. “The problem as physicians is that, traditionally, we are only taught to make money by working more, picking up more shifts, or working fourteen hour days.” This mentality, he believes, is what ties their hands and keeps them from creating a lifestyle of freedom. Once he helps them find their purpose and passion, he teaches them different ways to monetize their knowledge and expertise.

Although he has quite an accomplished career, he is still looking for ways to innovate the healthcare industry by empowering physicians and improving the experience of his patients. When he is not working with his students or patients, Dr. Lee enjoys surfing, playing basketball, and spending time keeping up with his children’s recitals, baseball games, and building family memories.

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